Booming Acres Emu Farm

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Emu Products -

100% EMU Oil


For the past 11 years, I have wrapped my knees in ace bandages for support and to help ease the pain in them, especially the left one.  After using Booming Acres EMU Oil three times a day for three weeks, then cutting back to once a day, I have not wrapped them at all and the pain has gone completely away.  Recently I have joined a health club and have been working on strengthening my knees and the EMU Oil has kept them from overly hurting.  I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks for introducing me to this very fine and useful product.

R. Duncan

Booming Acres
News Flier

After being told about Booming Acres EMU Oil and its relief giving effectiveness, I decided to try it.  I have one hip that is fused, so almost all my bending, lifting and climbing is done with my good hip, also my lower back.  For two weeks I put one drop of EMU Oil on each hip and rubbed it up onto my lower back.  I did this twice a day, morning and night after showering.  After the first application I started feeling relief after about an hour.   After one week my hip stopped hurting.  After two weeks I only put in on after showering in the evening.  My back pain hasn't completely, but it's not quite so uncomfortable.

My wife also has arthritis in her one hip.   This winter it has started aching down her leg also.  She now uses Booming Acres Emu Oil three times a day.  In about 10 minutes after applying the oil the aching starts leaving her.

A. Trapp

Booming Acres
News Flier

Diabetic Physician Competes in Marathons
and he gives EMU Oil the credit

Dr. C Fandrich, a corporate physician and diabetic provided the following testimony of what EMU Oil has done for him.

As an insulin dependent diabetic for the last 36 of my 47 years, I have been looking for any advantage available to prolong what has been fairly good health in spite of my chronic condition.

I have run at least 10,000 miles since medical school, having started long distance running at 24 years of age.  I have run and completed 26.2 mile marathon races as well as a half marathon, dozens of 5K and 10K races along with roller blade races and a 26 mile mountain bike race.  The last two summers I and some friends have bicycled across Michigan (Pentwater to Bay City) in two days and also this summer I participated in the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (495 miles in 7 days).

As you can see I follow a fairly consistent exercise pattern to help control my blood sugars.  I come from a family history that is strong for diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and asthma.  My father also is an insulin diabetic and the survivor of a 5 vessel cardiac by-pass operation at 67 years of age.  His only surviving brother had a similar by-pass operation at 62 years of age.  My mother is asthmatic and hypertensive.  I did not pick my genes well!

After completing the Detroit Marathon last fall it became apparent that the daily application of EMU Oil to my feet was a very real advantage.  In past marathons I usually had a blister or two and these took some time to heal because of my diabetes.  After the last marathon I had no blisters and virtually no foot pain.

I had been fighting a fungal infection of several toenails and the EMU Oil seems to be helping that as well.  The daily application of the oil has contributed to the circulation of my feet and my toenails are growing faster and I am now free of the fungal infection (this took over a year)!

Prior to using the EMU Oil on my feet on a daily basis (I've been faithfully doing this for about 18 months) my feet were quite dry and at the end of the day my socks would also be dry because I was losing the ability to sweat (at least my feet were).  Now I have normally sweaty feet when I get home from work, the hair on my feet and toes is thriving as well.  Both these changes indicate improved circulation of which the EMU Oil has been an integral part.

I understand that the control and management of insulin dependent diabetes is a multifaceted process which includes proper diet, routine exercise, and medication (insulin which is dictated by regular blood sugar testing).  However, every additional method or tactic should be explored and EMU Oil has offered some tangible advantages for me.



C. Fandrich DO, MPH

Emu Today & Tomorrow
October 2000

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